4/17 受難週第四天

  4/17 The Fourth Day of Passion Week

   In the Four Gospels, there are no other detailed records of Jesus’ words or acts (on the 4th day) but the scripture says “And in the daytime He was teaching in the temple, but at night He went out and stayed on the mountain called Olivet” (Luke 21:37). From Matthew 21:17, we know that Jesus probably went to the house in Bethany to spend the night, where lived; Martha, who served the Lord diligently, Mary, who loved the Lord with all her heart, and Lazarus, who was revived from the death.

Key Events:
In the Four Gospels, there is no detailed record of Jesus’ words or acts (on the 4th day).

Key Verses:

Mark 11:18-19 
 18 And the scribes and chief priests heard it and sought how they might destroy Him; for they feared Him, because all the people were astonished at His teaching. 19 When evening had come, He went out of the city.


Hymn: I give You My Heart

  4/17 受難週第四天


主要事件: 這一天四福音書中均無特別記載耶穌的言行。

18祭司長和文士聽見這話,就想法子要除掉耶穌,卻又怕祂,因為眾人都對祂教導感到驚奇。 19每天晚上,他們都到城外去。


耶路撒冷被稱為大君王的京城, 神的殿也在那裡,是敬拜 神、事奉 神的地方。可是當耶穌來到耶路撒冷時,聖殿卻變成了賊窩,耶穌怒責他們,祭司長和文士不但不信,也不願悔改,還要想法子殺害耶穌,祂的心在這裡不能安息。聖經告訴我們,耶穌在最後一周,每天晚上都到城外,在伯大尼住宿。因為在伯大尼有全心愛主的馬利亞和殷勤事奉主的馬大,還有復活的明證拉撒路。伯大尼的實際也當是 神家的實際,伯大尼三個兄妺身上生命事奉的見證,也當是我們每一個基督徒身上該有的生命事奉見證,來滿足耶穌,吸引耶穌。

詩歌:H246   有福的安靜     


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